Our team offers unique and effective legal awareness training and representation that is considered among the best in the country. The Legal Aid and Training Programme has two pillars:
We employ planned and systematic methods to impart basic legal knowledge to the marginalized and vulnerable persons in the society. This is done through training them on the rule of law, bill of rights, land matters, succession matters, and labour rights. The training also incorporates creating awareness on the basic conflict resolution mechanism which includes reconciliation, mediation, and negotiation and encourage them to apply to resolve their disputes.
In addition, we also promote effective self-representation particularly to individuals facing criminal charges. This is achieved through step-by-step teaching and guidance of basic concepts, principles, and procedures in the criminal justice system so that they can competently and effectively represent themselves in court.
Our team has a network of experienced and vibrant pro bono lawyers who voluntarily render litigation services to the vulnerable members of the society. The team also actively participate in public interest litigation to protect the less privileged members of the society from human rights violations.
Haki Mtaani provides intervention with the authorities about individual human rights violations or general human rights concerns. Our team undertake these through campaigns, workshops, roundtables, public statements or reports, media campaigns and public outreach to influence decision makers and state officials with a view to corrective action.
The objective is to promote good governance and address human rights cases and concerns and to make the authorities commit to acting on the cases or concerns raised by carrying out investigations and provide remedy to human rights violations.
The fulfillment of our objectives is anchored on systematic and factual analysis of problems and legal issues affecting the society. To render solutions to the problems and legal issues, our team continuously conducts intensive legal research to enable us to offer the members of the society with accurate information, quality representation, and valuable legal guidance.