About Our Organization

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Our Vision is to have a society where every human being has access to justice.

Haki Mtaani is a non-governmental organization which seeks to provide among other things, legal empowerment to the poor and marginalized; and to promote access to justice for all. Its main objective is to give back to the society through promotion of access to justice and Human Rights to the less privileged members of the society. Haki Mtaani anchors and effectuates the legal empowerment on access to justice and acquisition of basic legal knowledge.

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Volunteers In 2022


People We Intend to Help In 2022


Our team offers unique and effective legal awareness training and representation that is considered among the best in the country.

Core Values


We perform our duties incorruptibly without abuse of any privilege availed to us. We are honesty and practice high level of decency.


We recognize and uphold the rights of all members of the society. We always practice fairness and equality in all our operations and uphold the rule of law.


We render service to all who fall within our mandate and particularly the less privileged members of the society. We strive to improve the service rendered to the people, promote community organization and participation and undertake public education and information dissemination.


We take well-informed and judicious decisions. We give priority to careful and good management practices, encourage innovation and creativity and act with care and precision and contribute towards a healthy human and natural environment.


We are prompt and courteous in all communication with the public. We uphold the rights of others and act in good faith.

We are on a Mission:

To offer free legal services, empower the less privileged members of the society, protect, defend, and promote access to justice and the realization of human rights.

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Help us create a society where every human being has access to justice.


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Meet Haki Mtaani Team

Here are the people behind Haki Mtaani Org.